Call on the Attorney General to expedite reforms to the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990

Elder abuse continues to be a real and present danger in WA. In early 2017 the Attorney General promised to “expedite” reforms to the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990. When we followed this up he told us in April 2018 that he’d do it by Spring 2018.  When we followed up again in November 2018 we were told it will happen “in the first half of 2019”. 

Seven years later, still nothing.  Given the prevalence of elder abuse it is irresponsible for the Attorney General to keep sitting on his hands.

I asked a Question in Parliament on 3 June 2021, and the amendments referred to in the answer had nothing to do with elder abuse and even included a provision that did the exact opposite of what was recommended in the statutory review!

On 27 February, 2024 I gave notice of this motion in the Legislative Council of the West Australian Parliament:

That this House — (a) reminds the McGowan Labor Government that its January 2017 election manifesto on responding to elder abuse promised that it would “expedite” amendments to the law surrounding enduring powers of attorney and guardianship;
(b) notes that on 13 September 2017 the Legislative Council established, on the motion of the Opposition, the Select Committee into Elder Abuse;
(c) reminds the Government that the Select Committee’s 24th recommendation in its 2018 Final Report called on it to “act as a matter of urgency”;
(d) notes that more than 7 years have passed since the election promise was made;
(e) expresses its deep concern about the impact on victims of elder abuse given its prevalence in our state; and
(f) calls on the Government to apologise for breaking trust with the victims, the electors and the Parliament, and to make amends without any further delay.

To better understand this issue, read my media release here. If like me, you want to see action, write to Attorney General, Hon John Quigley MLA here.